So, you want to get rid of your dog?
If you think you just can't keep your dog we've heard just about every reason why: moving... don't have time... having a baby... he/she is too big... shedding... barking... health problems... behavioral problems... the list continues to grow. Honestly, we don't like to hear them so don't be surprised if we don't greet you with a smile to talk about the situation. There are VERY FEW valid reasons to abandon your pet and none of those listed above are among them!!!
We have a several links with information available for you - lists of local trainers, we can help with advice for training and health care, advice for teaching children proper behavior around pets, and we are always willing to try and temporarily help w/ food, vet care if you are in VALID financial distress.
Plain and simple, alternatives and solutions may exist for many of the health concerns, training issues and time constraints that generally lead folks to consider surrendering their dog. Your dog is a member of your family and you owe it to them to exhaust all other means before deciding to give them up.
While you ponder the decision to surrender your Labrador, we strongly suggest you to take a few moments to review this article: Can I keep my pet after all? . On these pages, you will hopefully find some advice and solutions to help you keep your pet. It only takes a few minutes of your time and you may be very surprised at what you read... as there is also basic information for those who would never dream of giving up their pet, but just need some advice on basic pet problems.
You owe it to your Dog to read...
by Mark German
After reviewing this information, if you are still sure you need to release your pet we will courtesy list the dog on our site and if able put on our waiting list. We are many months (possibly a year or more out ) from being able to take any large breed adult dogs. If it is a WELL TEMPERMENTED, HEALTHY small dog we may be able to help sooner.
We also ask for pictures (taken within the last 30 days) to help with placement. A minimum donation of $100 to cover basic medical and food expenses of not only your pet, but also the others within the rescue when and if we take it in.
We do not accept any animals that are dangerous to the general public and reserve the right to ask for a professional evaluation at the owner's expense. Additionally, surrendering your animal to rescue is not considered a donation.
The BEST solution, barring a true medical or aggression issue, is for you to take responsibility for your pet and try and find the resources to keep YOUR dog. Rescues have always been overwhelmed and the economy has only increased the problem to unbelievable proportions. Also, none of us small rescues receive any funding and are run by volunteers who have jobs, families, and pets of their own to care for.