We'd like to announce our new friend Hope. Some of you may have seen her picture in the paper, as she was a quite news-worthy story of survival. Poor Hope was trapped in a remote quarry, on a ledge, and had to be rescued by firefighters and animal control officers. They know she was there for several days, but it may have been even longer than that. Her feet were mangled from trying to claw her way free. She was emaciated and dehydrated. Hope came out of that quarry basically catatonic, terrified of humans, but without any aggression...she appeared to just give up, assuming that the humans were there to "do her in" once and for all. That really makes up fear what kind of experiences she has had in her short life, and makes us REALLY motivated to show this girl the happier side of life.
Hope will be arriving at NMAR shortly, from a wonderful transitional foster home. She has already been spayed, and vaccinated, and she is heartworm positive. We have been told that Hope is slowly, slowly, slowly letting her guard down with humans, but is absolutely thrilled to be around other dogs. We decided the perfect place for her to learn the ropes and prepare for adoption would be with Gunny, Oscar and Linc The Cat...and of course we must not forget the less famous kitties Millie and Tobbles who are every bit as supportive of dogs in need. Due to all that Hope has been through, she needs to be in a home setting, not at the NMAR facility, as she needs constant interaction right now, and the support of good animals who will give her security as well as teach her how to be an upstanding citizen.
Please read all about Hope's story in her blog below.